Less Stress – More Ease with Ian Watson
21st October @ The Mix – Stowmarket
Hosted by Dawn Wilding
Stowmarket based Three Principles Facilitator and founder of the Green Room
Everyone is looking for a way to reduce the stress in their lives and experience a greater sense of ease,
Hosted by Dawn Wilding Stowmarket based Three Principles Facilitator and founder of the Green Room Everyone is looking for a way to reduce the stress in their lives and experience a greater sense of ease, contentment, and joy. The problem is, there is a widespread misunderstanding about what really causes us to feel the way we do, the result of this misunderstanding is that we have learned to attribute our feelings to outside circumstances, people and past events, and we expend a lot of energy trying to change those external factors in order that we can feel better.
Common examples would be:
- If I had more money, I would feel more secure
- If my work environment was better, I would feel less stressed
- If my partner/boss/relatives/children behaved differently, I would be happier
- If my past hadn’t been so difficult, I would have an easier time in the present
- If I were more intelligent/had more confidence/was better looking, I would be more popular with my friends and happier with my life
I will share with you a simple understanding known as the Three Principles that shows you where all of your feelings actually come from and reveals the depth of well-being and resilience you have available to you on the inside at all times.
As you begin to see this for yourself, you will re-discover the natural ease that comes with knowing that your well-being exists independently of outside circumstances and that there is nothing in the past or the future that can make you feel bad.
If you have struggled with feelings such as anxiety, sadness, loneliness, guilt, frustration or overwhelm you will be relieved to know that all of these feelings are natural and temporary and that you have the inbuilt capacity to feel at peace within yourself once again. You will learn to navigate through life with greater ease, less stress and a happier, healthier outlook on life – without needing to work on yourself or remembering to practice any techniques.
- The day will commence at 10am and finish at 5pm
- The Mix 127 Ipswich Street Stowmarket IP14 1BB
- Workshop Fee: £75 including refreshments Concessions: £55 (O.A.P., Full-time Students, and Unemployed)
- Book online via http://www.theinsightspace.com/events/stowmarket-less-stress-workshop-ian-watson
- If you prefer to pay via bank transfer, email Ian to request our bank details at ianwatson@btinternet.com
- Enquiries – please contact Dawn Wilding on dawn.wilding@btconnect.com